The start of a new year is always a time to reflect on the previous 12 months and make plans for the next 12 months ahead. Add to this the fact it is a whole new decade, and all of a sudden those resolutions grow just that bit bigger and sharper.
Something about the decade changing means it is unquestionably a time for new beginnings, but any given January can be an inspiring time full of optimistic resolutions and good intentions.
New fitness regimes are often developed at this time of year – indeed it is not uncommon to see boxing gyms suddenly getting busier with newbies taking up a different hobby, or the old gang getting back into the groove.
Unfortunately, it can be all too easy to let these plans fall by the wayside.
Here on the Bravose blog we previously covered Boxing Motivation and Training Accountability Hacks.
As we move through January and into 2020, the shine of those initial New Year’s hopes and dreams start to fade, and that blog becomes more relevant now than ever.
While we talked about strategies such as buddying up for training, buying into wearable tech and hashtagging the heck out of your training, we think the most reliable way to help keep motivation levels high is to have the best equipment to hand.
As we wrote:
A study by Adam and Galinsky in 2017 found participants enjoyed greater success when they wore activity-specific clothing.
Invest in the best boxing equipment for your training and you will feel good about how you look and increase your confidence. When you put on an awesome new pair of boxing gloves, you get into character, like an actor putting on a costume for a performance.
Add to this the fact that great comfort and protection will actually improve your performance, and it’s a win-win.
A drawback to implementing this tactic is of course that it is the time of year when bank balances are recovering from a holiday season bashing. So, if you can only invest in one piece of equipment this new year, you should definitely make it the best one possible.
Want to know what we would pick? Our tip would be to choose the Bravose TitanGrip Premium Quality Real Leather Boxing Gloves.
Handcrafted from the finest materials including genuine cow hide, these gloves give nothing less than premium safety, whether you are in the gym or the ring.
The TitanGrip lock strap and multi-layer handmade mould are the key to ensuring you have robust protection and a reduced chance of injury when landing those punches.
Meanwhile the extended wrist strap, advanced wrist padding and extra thumb protection afforded by these gloves will restrict movement, giving you peace of mind that your hands have advanced support when they need it the most.
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We all know, though, that it is no good having the most comprehensive protection if you don’t have ultimate comfort. That is where the sleek fit of the TitanGrip boxing gloves comes into its own. The gloves boast a soft inner lining and a breathable mesh, which will follow your every movement.
Of course, to top everything off, we know how important it is to look good. Once again, the TitanGrip boxing gloves come through, possessing elegance and style in spades. With a simplicity in design that will last as long as the durability in build, we guarantee that you will be using these boxing glove beauties long into the new decade.