Unlock your inner warrior and learn how to meditate for success in combat sports
von {{ author }} Kate Rosindale an Jan 15, 2023

In order to be a successful competitor in the world of combat sports, you must first learn how to control your inner warrior. One of the best ways to do this is through meditation.
Meditation will help you focus on your breath and control your thoughts, which will lead to improved performance in the ring.
In this blog post, we'll teach you how to meditate for success in combat sports. Follow these simple tips and you'll be well on your way to becoming a champion.
What is meditation
Meditation is a practice thAT involves focusing one's mind and attention on a particular thought, idea or feeling. It has been used by spiritualists and yogis for centuries as a tool to develop inner clarity, strength of will, and mental focus.
This ancient practice has also been embraced in recent years by fighters and martial arts enthusiasts who value the mental benefits it offers. It is widely accepted that meditation helps combat sports practitioners improve their concentration, regulate their breathing and relax their minds in preparation for competition.
Through regular meditation practice, athletes can gain access to powerful mental tools to help them stay focused on competing with grace, tenacity and courage.
Understand the benefits of meditation for success in combat sports
Meditation is often overlooked as a tool for success in combat sports, but its advantages are impossible to ignore.
Not only can meditation help you stay focused and improve the accuracy of important techniques, but it also brings a sense of calm that can keep your mind from becoming overwhelmed during intense matches.
For those seeking to stay on top of their fitness and conditioning, regular meditation sessions ensure better recovery between workouts - meaning more time spent inside the ring or cage and less time lounging on the couch.
Ultimately, meditating before sparring or competing can make an enormous difference in your overall performance while providing immense mental benefits that will only give you an edge over other competitors.
Don't just take our word for it - try out this overlooked training tactic today, it only takes a few minutes.
How to meditate
1 Find a comfortable spot
Finding a comfortable spot is the first step in learning to meditate.
Choose a place that allows you to be seated with your back upright but relaxed or lie down on something flat.
Making sure you are not uncomfortable will help ensure your body won't be vying for your attention during meditation.
2 Concentrate on your breath
Once you have found your spot, close your eyes and start focusing on your breath, letting any thoughts or feelings that arise come and go.
Inhale deeply and exhale slowly, allowing yourself to become aware of the sensations that arise as you breathe in and out.
If possible, try to focus solely on your breathing for at least five to ten minutes before continuing into other exercises such as visualisation.
3 Invite and allow thoughts to pass
The mind naturally produces thoughts throughout our lives, and during meditation this does not change.
Whenever a thought appears in your awareness, let it pass gently without attaching too much importance or judgement.
Practice saying “breathe” silently each time this happens instead of getting drawn into whatever thought has appeared.
Over time, this will allow for effective mental training and help still the mind from unnecessary chatter when engaging in mindfulness meditation practices.
Doing this can also create space between stimulus (the thing happening) and reaction (how we choose to respond).
4 Maintain focus without attachment
Although it can be difficult at times, maintaining focus during meditation is an important step towards achieving success with this practice.
When distracting thoughts come up due to external stimulus, acknowledge them briefly before redirecting attention back to your breath - rather than getting attached to them or worrying over them too much.
The goal is to cultivate a presence of mind through these practices.
5 Move on gracefully
When the body starts feeling restless after sitting down for prolonged periods of time, gracefully readjust while still focusing on your breathing.
This approach creates more balance between effort and ease. It makes sessions easier rather than being about suffering through painful or uncomfortable experiences.
In summary, meditation is a very important part of combat sports. It can help you to focus, be present in the moment and make better decisions.
If you are not meditating, you are likely to be at a massive disadvantage against opponents who use this tool.
So why not give meditation a try - after all, what have you got to lose? A few minutes of your day?
Give it a shot, you’ll be shocked how clear your mind becomes.
And remember, while you’re on your quest to become an ultimate warrior, you'll need to use the right equipment for the job...